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Meridian West Campus – Upper Plateau

Public Hearing Materials for June 12, 2024

6-12-24 Packet and Agenda 

Final EIR Correction (Posted 6-5-24 @4:30 pm)
Pre-Hearing Response to Comments
Response to Pre-Hearing Comments Part

West Campus Upper Plateau Final EIR:
00 Title Page
0 Table of Contents
0 Acronyms
1 Executive Summary
2 Introduction
3 Project Description
4 Environmental Analysis
5 Other CEQA
6 Alternatives
7 List of Prepares
9 Response to Comments
10 Recirculated Response to Comments
2.0 Table of Contents

West Campus Upper Plateau Final EIR Appendices:
A. IS-NOP Scoping
B. Aesthetics
C-1. AQ Report
C-2. HRA Report
C-3a. SJVUAPCD Friant Briefing
C-3b. SCAQMD Friant Briefing
C-4. UXR Responses to Comments
D-1. Biological Technical Report
D-2. Bio Response to Comments
E-1. WCUP Pase I and II Cultural Resources Assessment
E-2. Revised WCUP Historic Structure Assessment
E-3. BFSA Responses to Comments
F. Energy Analysis Report
G-1. Geotech Exploration
G-2. Leighton RTC
H. Revised WCUP Paleo Assessment
I. GHG Report
J-1. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
J-2. Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
J-3. FOST Parcel F and K-1
J-4. Wildlife Hazard Review and Responses
J-5. Hazardous Materials Investigation Report
J-6. Supplemental 2023 Leighton Report
J-7. Leighton Responses to Comments
K-1. Preliminary Hydrology Study
K-2. Master Project Specific WQMP
K-3. WQMP Building B
K-4. WQMP Building C
K-5. Hydro Building B
K-6. Preliminary Hydrology Study for Meridian
K-7. Meridian Upper Plateau Water, Recycled Water, Sewer
K-8. DRC Responses to Comments
L. ALUC Consistency
M-1. Noise Study
M-2 Noise RTC
N-1. VMT
N-2. Transportation Impact Assessment
N-3. Traffic Responses to Comments
O. Water Supply Assessment
P-1. Sewer Capacity Study
P-2. Riverside Facilities Master Plan
P-3. Water, Recycled Water, Sewer Analysis
Q. Fire Protection Plan
R-1. Noise Comparisons
R-2. Trip Generation
R-3. Alt 5 AQ, HRA & CHG
R-4. Alt5 Noise Analysis
R-5. Alt 5 Trip Gen Aessessment
R-6. VNT Analysis
S-1. CBD Settlement Agreement
S-2. CAREE-CCAEJ Settlement Agreement
T. 2010 FSEIR MMRP for Fire Station
U. Economic Impact Analysis

Notice of Public Hearing for 6/12/24 Hearing 

Updated Specific Plan SP-9 6/12/24 Hearing 


As requested by R-Now residents, this TAC packet is shared on this landing page to inform residents that an update on the West Campus Upper Plateau project is included in the upcoming TAC meeting.  Please note that the packet is also posted in the standard Meetings & Agenda link.

For more information please contact the development group at:

Adam Collier
Vice President – Planned Communities
Lewis Management Corp.
1156 N. Mountain Avenue
Upland, CA 91786
(909) 946-7593Direct/Fax

Comment Form

Submit your comments or questions below. Thank you.