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Project Description

The proposed 46-acre, Meridian D1 Gateway Aviation Center Project, includes the development of a gateway air cargo center, consisting of an approximately 180,800-square-foot cargo building with 9 grade-level loading doors, 31 truck dock positions, and 37 trailer storage positions and 122 stalls for employee parking.

The cargo building would contain approximately 9,000 square feet of office space and constructed to a maximum height of 45 feet.  The Project also includes a parking apron sufficient to support commercial cargo airplanes, expansion of the existing taxiway/tarmac, Construction of stormwater facilities and a signalized entrance onto Heacock Street.

Site Plan

Meeting Notice
Community Meeting – Meridian D-1 Gateway Aviation center Project, July 1, 2024
Community Meeting – Meridian D-1 Gateway Aviation Center Project, June 18 2024

Environmental Impact Report
The public comment period for the Meridian D1-Gateway Aviation Center Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) starts on Thursday, May 23, 2024, through to Tuesday, July 9, 2024.  Comments on the Draft EIR may be submitted via e-mail to or via U.S. mail to Jeffrey M. Smith, AICP, March Joint Powers Authority, 14205 Meridian Parkway, Suite 140 Riverside, CA 92518, no later than Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

Extension of Public Comment Period – Meridian D-1 Draft EIR, July 2, 2024 (Click Here)
Notice of Availability – May 23, 2024 (Click Here)

Draft EIR: Meridian D1 Gateway Aviation Center Project – May 2024 (Click Here)

Technical Appendices – A through O (Click Below)
Appendix A-1.  Notice of Preparation
Appendix A-2.  Initial Study
Appendix A-3.  NOP Comments
Appendix B-1.  Air Quality Report
Appendix B-2.  Opening Year Emissions Memo
Appendix C-1.   Health Risk Assessment Report
Appendix C-2.   Amicus Curiae Briefs
Appendix D.      Biological Technical Report
Appendix E.       Historic Resources Report
Appendix F.       Energy Analysis Report
Appendix G.      GHG Emissions Analysis Report
Appendix H.      Geotechnical Exploration Report
Appendix I.        Paleontological Resources Report
Appendix J-1.    Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix J-2.    NETR Environmental Lien Report
Appendix J-3.    Wildlife Hazard Review
Appendix K-1.   Preliminary Hydrology Study
Appendix K-2.   Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan
Appendix L-1.   Noise Impact Analysis Report
Appendix L-2.   Noise Technical Report (Sleep Disturbance)
Appendix L-3.   Outdoor Ambient Sound Survey Location L5
Appendix M-1.1    Traffic Analysis
Appendix M-1.2.   Traffic Analysis Appendices
Appendix M-2 and M-2A.  Vehicle Miles Traveled Analyses
Appendix M-2B.    VMT Alternatives Analysis
Appendix N-1.  EMWD/WMWD Interagency Agreement to Serve March ARB
Appendix N-2.  MARB Water Master Plan
Appendix N-3.  Conceptual Site Plans
Appendix N-4.  WMWD Water Supply Will-Serve Letter
Appendix O.      Fuel Farm Letter

Community Meeting – Meridian D-1 Gateway Aviation Center Project Presentation, July 1, 2024
Community Meeting – Meridian D-1 Gateway Aviation Center Project Presentation, June 18, 2024
NOP – Meridian D1-Gateway Aviation Center Project
IS – Meridian D1-Gateway Aviation Center Project
Meridian D1-Scoping Meeting Participation Information
Scoping Meeting Presentation – April 14, 2021